The use of in situ references in Earth observation monitoring is a fundamental need. LUCAS (Land Use and Coverage Area frame Survey) is an activity that has performed repeated in situ surveys over Europe every three years since 2006. The dataset is unique in many aspects; however it is currently not available through a standardized interface, machine-to-machine. Moreover, the evolution of the surveys limits the performance of change analysis using the dataset. Our objective was to develop an open-source system to fill these gaps.
The ST_LUCAS is designed as a multi-layer client-server system that may be integrated into end-to-end workflows. It provides data through an OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) compliant interface. A user may integrate the data through a Python API (Application Programming Interface) to ease the use in workflows with spatial, temporal, attribute, and thematic filters using the Jupyter Notebook or access the data interactively by the QGIS plugin.

Harmonized LUCAS attributes & coding tables#
Harmonization mapping tables#
Data extracts#
Dataset version: 1.1
Versioned data extracts are also available from Zenodo.
System metadata#
ST_LUCAS dataset#
ST_LUCAS dataset is provided under the same conditions (“free of charge”) as original LUCAS data (
ST_LUCAS software components#
System Deployment Package (Gitlab repository) - MIT
Python Package (Gitlab repository) - MIT
QGIS Plugin (Gitlab repository) - GNU GPL
This work is co-financed under Grant Agreement Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom project 2018-EU-IA-0095 by the European Union.